Frase Review — The AI writing tool for SEO

Unlike many of the AI writers out there, Frase concentrates on the research, writing, and optimization processes of creating an article.

Frase finds relevant high-ranking articles that are on the same topic as your article and helps you write the article by providing an outline and various writing features. Then, similar to Surfer SEO, Frase helps optimize your article.

While it doesn’t have as many features as most other AI writers, it is designed for those who want to create highly-optimized content with the assistance of an AI.

On that note, we decided to write a review on Frase showcasing its many features and capabilities, so that you can determine whether it is the AI writer for you.


Frase has over 30 different writing features as well as the ability to create or design your own.

Notable Features

Article Writer—The Article Writer writes long-form articles that can be used as a draft or starting point from which to optimize.

Blog Introduction—The Blog Introduction feature is a quick way to generate an introduction for a blog post based on a title and SEO keywords.

Blog Title Ideas—If you are trying to come up with a great title, then the Blog Title Ideas feature can be helpful. It generates blog titles based on your targeted keyword. 

Bullet Point Answers—Creating Q&As can be a tedious process, which is why the Bullet Point Answers feature can be useful as it generates multiple answers for every question you have.

Commands—If you want Frase to write in a certain way, then you can use the Commands feature and tell it exactly what you want it to write and in what format.

Explain Why—The Explain Why feature answers a question you have. For example, if you ask: “Why is the sky blue?” Frase will give a short explanation of why that is. This feature can help with research as well as produce in-article content.'s Explain Why feature

How-To Blog Post—For those who want to generate an article in the “How-To” style, the How-To Blog Post feature can do so based on the title.

List of Questions—The List of Questions feature will generate a list of questions around a specific topic that can be used as a Q&A or even as the article topic.

Listicle—Listicles have a simple layout which is why the Listicle feature is one of the best as it will generate a list of headings and paragraphs based on the title of the listicle.

Listicle Title Ideas—If you want to write a listicle but are unsure what the specific topic should be on, then the Listicle Title Ideas feature can help by providing a list of title ideas based on a more general topic.

Meta Description—Meta Descriptions can be tedious to write; thankfully, Frase can do it for you based on the article title and main keyword.

Outline—One of the best features to cure writer’s block is the Outline feature as it can generate multiple outlines based off of a title and brief description.

Paragraph Answer—The Paragraph Answer tool is ideal for Q&As as it simply takes a question and generates a paragraph-long answer.

Product Description—If you want to generate quick and optimized product descriptions, then this feature is ideal as it takes the product name and imputed keywords and generates optimized product descriptions.

Paragraph Generator—Once you have a list of headings, you can use the Paragraph Generator feature to generate a paragraph based on each heading.

Paragraph Compression—Creating concise and to-the-point content is critical to keep the reader’s attention. The Paragraph Compression feature can help with this by compressing and creating a more summarized version of a paragraph.

Talk Tracks—The Talk Tracks feature is great for those who want to generate quick talking points based on a subject.

Pros & Cons—If you’re writing a product review, then you can use the Pros & Cons feature to generate a list of pros and cons based on the product.

Metaphor / Analogy—Metaphors and analogies can be hard to come up with, which is why the Metaphor / Analogy feature is useful. While it may not generate perfect metaphors or analogies, it can, at the very least, help solve writer’s block by providing many possibilities.

New Custom Tool—If you find that Frase doesn’t already have a writing tool that you need, you can create your own. Fraser will learn based on your inputs and corrections and will eventually be able to write in the way that you need it to.

Chat—For those who don’t want to jump from feature to feature, the Chat feature allows you to input any prompt and will then generate content based on that prompt whether that be for a product description or Q&A list.

Documents—If you want to make use of Frase’s research tools and SEO analytics, then the Documents feature is ideal as it is a one-stop-shop that includes everything Frase has to offer from writing features to optimization tools.

Other Features

While some of Frase’s other features may be of use to you, they tend to either be specific or be less likely to be used. Here is the full list:

  1. Attention Interest Desire Action (AIDA)
  2. Definition
  3. Feature – Benefit
  4. Featured Snippet (Numbered List)
  5. Instagram Caption
  6. Paragraph Rewriter
  7. Problem, Agitate, Solution (PAS)
  8. Quora Answers
  9. Semantic Topics
  10. Sentence Rewriter
  11. Short Answer
  12. Slogan Generator
  13. Summary Bullets
  14. Taglines
  15. Value Proposition
  16. YouTube Video Ideas

Pros and Cons

Frase has many pros and cons, but here are the main ones:


SEO Tools—Frase is full of SEO tools including content analytics, concept maps, and more. It also has a Surfer SEO-type tool that can help you optimize your content based on the top-ranking articles about the same topic.

Research Capabilities—Most AI writers lack research capabilities, but Frase doesn’t. Frase will find the most relevant and top-ranking articles about your topic and help you generate an article that has the same topic relevancy as those articles.

Site Layout—The site layout is user-friendly and is similar to most other AI writers with a home page, a feature page, and an account page—along with some other pages such as a “help” page.

Integrations—Frase does provide some useful integrations such as a WordPress Plugin and Google Docs Add-on.


Learning Curve—At first, there can be a bit of a learning curve, especially when it comes to effectively using Frase’s research and generating relevant paragraphs.

Learning Materials—There are not many learning materials on the site other than a couple of articles and videos. This can make it difficult to figure out how each tool and feature should be used. However, Frase does offer live demos and Q&A sessions.

Expensive—Frase is on the more expensive side, with its plans offering little value. For example, its basic plan is about $50 a month and includes just 30 written and optimized articles.

How Frase works

After creating an account, you’ll be directed to the dashboard. If you click on “AI Tools,” you can explore all the writing tools that they offer.'s AI tools

Once you choose one of the tools, you’ll be directed to the creation page, with inputs on the left and outputs on the right.

If you go back to the dashboard and open up a new document, you can collect research, generate content, use any feature, and optimize the content. 

The optimization process is similar to Surfer SEO’s process with a list of recommended keywords and competitors.

If you want to generate specific content, then you can go to the “AI Write” tool and either choose from the many writing features or create a custom feature.

Lastly, you can directly write in the document and edit the content. The document layout is similar to Google Docs. You can also use a method called: “seeding.”

Seeding is where you write half a sentence and have the AI finish the thought. This method is ideal when it comes to directly telling the AI writer what to write and where to write it.


Frase has four paid plans along with a “Free Trial.”

  • “Free Trial”—The “Free Trial” lasts for five days. However, it does cost one dollar to activate and therefore requires your payment information. If the trial is not canceled before it ends, Frase will automatically charge you for the Solo, Basic, or Team plan depending on which one you choose to activate the trial.
  • Solo—The Solo plan costs around $15 a month or $12.66 a month if you commit to an annual subscription. It includes four written and optimized articles a month.
  • Basic—That Basic plan includes 30 written and optimized articles a month and costs around $45 on a monthly basis or $38 a month for an annual plan.
  • Team—The Team plan includes unlimited written and optimized articles a month and comes with three user seats along with an option to include additional seats for another $25 a month each. The plan costs around $115 a month or $98 a month for an annual subscription.


Frase is able to write in 20 different languages, including:

  1. English
  2. Spanish
  3. French
  4. German
  5. Italian
  6. Dutch
  7. Portuguese
  8. Danish
  9. Norwegian
  10. Finnish
  11. Swedish
  12. Romanian
  13. Polish
  14. Russian
  15. Hindi
  16. Indonesian
  17. Malay
  18. Thai
  19. Japanese
  20. Korean

Final Thoughts

While Frase may not provide a broad variety of writing tools, it does provide specific and unique tools such as its research capability and SEO tools.

With that in mind, if you are looking to create optimized content using AI, then Frase is a great choice. It includes comprehensive SEO analytics and an optimization tool that is similar to Surfer SEO.

On the other hand, if you are looking for a more marketing-oriented AI writer, then Frase may not be the best choice; however, it does have some marketing tools for the average user.

Frase review: final thoughts

While Frase may not provide a broad variety of writing tools, it does provide specific and unique tools such as its research capability and SEO tools. With that in mind, if you are looking to create optimized content using AI, then Frase is a great choice. It includes comprehensive SEO analytics and an optimization tool that is similar to Surfer SEO. On the other hand, if you are looking for a more marketing-oriented AI writer, then Frase may not be the best choice; however, it does have some marketing tools for the average user.

Price: From $14.99 per month (cheaper if paid annually)

Price Currency: USD

Operating System: Cloud

Application Category: BusinessApplication

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